The Fault In Our Stars | Book vs Film!

Hello everyone!

This post is going to be my first attempt at a book/film comparison and there is no better book to start with than John Green's The Fault in our Stars. I know the novel has been popular for a while now so I jumped on the bandwagon and ordered myself a copy. I proceeded to not read it. Then I watched the film which encouraged me to read the book. Which I did, eventually.

I'll talk about the film first since that was my first TFIOS experience. I have to admit, the film is an emotion fest and it takes some doing for me to get teary in a cinema. Right from the start it was upsetting. I was actually sat next to an older woman in the cinema and she cried all the way through. Seriously, she had the tissues out and everything.

I think that the film was so effective because of the actors. I really enjoyed both of the main actors, they portrayed the characters and their conditions in a convincing and un-cheesy way. I'd definitely make it my business to go and see them in other films.

Additionally, the way they handled the, let's say, love scene was very effective. So often in films now there's just too much unnecessary sex which makes it really awkward if you want to watch it with your parents or a sibling. Well I think so anyway. They leave nothing to the imagination!
 I think this film handled it really well which definitely opens it up to a wider age range despite it's more serious themes.

Having not seen any spoilers or read the book before watching the film I had no idea ***Spoiler alert*** that Augustus' cancer returned. When he took Hazel for a walk in Amsterdam I definitely thought he was going to break up with her. Madness I know! But that was definitely a well pulled off twist, in my opinion, as I really had no idea. Maybe that's because I was so concerned with Hazel's illness that it didn't occur to me that Gus would become ill again. Is this just me? Was it really obvious? hahaha.

Anyway, I really, really enjoyed this film. It's not my normal genre but with all the hype I just kinda followed the trend and I'm really glad I did. Very sad but moving at the same time.

Now, on to the book.

Had I not seen the film I have an incline I may never have actually picked up the book and read it. Having said that, I know that had I started reading it I would have definitely finished it because it's gripping from the start. I imagine even more so if you hadn't seen the film first.

I'm not going to lie, some of the actual writing bugged me. For example random words were capitalised, some of which I couldn't see a reason why. Then a word would crop up that should have been capitalised, such as Earth, and it wasn't. Quite annoying I have to say. Having said that, I think the dialogue and train of thought of Hazel was very realistic of a modern teen.

Aside from that, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I know it's a young adult book and as a 21 year old I should be reading other things but after three years of analysing nineteenth century literature and such this really was a welcome change. Things I enjoyed most were the fast pace of it, no scenes seemed to go on for too long. I also enjoyed the seemingly limited characters, you didn't lose track of people or have to remind yourself who characters were. I also enjoyed the use of dialogue. I love dialogue in books it's interesting and fast to read, it moves the plot along and it's entertaining. Who needs pages of description? Not me.

The book itself doesn't take too long to read. It took me a day and I'm not the world quickest reader by any means. It's just quick and easy to read. Something that was very different to the film, for me, was that it was no where near as emotional. There's one section of the book that could have made me cry whereas I could have cried throughout the whole film.

I think this book it accurately aimed towards young adults, I'm not sure whether older readers would enjoy the colloquialisms or teen-like speech which is used throughout the book. I would however definitely recommend the film to a wider audience. Maybe not below 11 years because I just don't think they'd understand the themes and maybe find it really upsetting but anyone above 11 I think would really enjoy it.

Have your read/watched TFIOS?
Let me know your opinion in the comments!

Thanks for reading,
Leanne x

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Thoughts of the day
  • I ordered a potential graduation dress today from ASOS. I bought it in the sale and it's really pretty. I am going shopping on Thursday though so if I see something nicer then ASOS one will probably go back. Although it's a strong contender so far!
  • I have a job interview on Wednesday which I'm beyond nervous about. I have to teach a year 7 maths class! 


  1. good luck in your job interview! ive never read the book, but really want to see the film, but i know ill regret not reading the book first ahha! id love it if youd comment back xx

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the good luck haha :D Yeah I felt the same, that I would't read the book if I saw the film first but the film ended up encouraging me to read the book which was strange. Both the film and book are great though, both worth watching/reading! xx


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