120 Eyeshadow palette review.

Hey everyone!

If you read my 120 Eyeshadow unboxing post, you'll know that I had a few issues with some shadows being broken when I received it and I said I'd let you all know how I went on with getting a replacement etc. After contacting the seller, I was sent a replacement palette free of charge which I received today.

I'm so grateful that I was sent a replacement as I really didn't think that was going to happen. However despite the additional packaging, some shadows were still broken. More infact than in the previous one.

I'm not going to make a big deal about it, I did email the seller again informing her that some were broken but I said that it doesn't matter as between the two palettes I now have plenty colours :)

So here are some pictures of the damage in the new palette:

The New Palette:

As you can see, there are more broken shades in the new palette than in the first one. Unfortunately the same shade of blue is broken however the yellow and green are okay in this palette.

The First Palette I received:

Overall, the colour pay off is pretty good for such a cheap palette. Generally, if the colour looks bright in the pan, it will be bright when you swatch it. Some of the paler shades don't show up as well but you can definitely still see them and work with them.

Here are a few examples of the colour pay off:

Even though both of the palettes didn't come in perfect condition, I would still recommend them as the colours are very pigmented and you get such a vast amount of shades to work with. Having said that, if you look carefully I do think some of the colours are duplicated. But, really, you can't complain for £6.49. You'd probably spend that on a quad or trio in the drugstore.

Additionally, the seller I used (there really are many, many other to chose from) expressed very good communication and generosity for sending out a new palette as I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had this problem. 

Thanks for reading and I hope this has been some help to anyone considering buying one of these palettes!



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Thank you so much for reading! I read every single comment and reply to them all. If you have any other questions you can Tweet me @MystNeonLights :)


