
'We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.
But given the state of the world, is it wise?' 

            -Iris Murdoch


Hello everyone!

Sorry it has been so long.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have exams all this month (May, I know we're not there yet but yano). My German exam happened on Friday and I have to say I didn't love it. It was ridiculously more difficult than last years exam, to be expected, I know, but I swear half the things we were asked, we never learnt. For example, we were asked to translate 'I have spent 26 years in prison. People protested about my imprisonment' in to German. I have never learnt the words 'prison' and 'imprisonment'! Can anyone guess who the questions were referring to though? I'll put the answer in a P.s in my next post. Hopefully I'll remember!

So anyway, I hope I did enough to pass that test, if not i'll be resitting in August for a further £90 -_-

On to other news, I went shopping on Saturday and bought a few things for my holiday. I should have been revising but I just didn't. Tom and I went to Frankie and Benny's and I had steak for the first time! With chips. But in all my excitement and hunger I forgot to take a pic :(

Then, I ended up going out last night (Saturday night) to 42s in Manchester. Has anyone ever been there? it's so good. I vowed before I went out though that I wouldn't drink too much as I needed to revise today and I was quite good I only had 4 vodka lemonades and a tropical VS. At that point I really just wanted a Tango but how much of a knob would I have looked hahaha. It was a pretty good night, didn't get in till gone 4am though so my sleep took a huge hit!

Plus, as I wasn't absolutely razmatazzed, I had the weirdest experience of being the only sober person in a club full of drunk people. I saw some sights i'll tell you now. haha.

Tom und ich. It's blurry I know the club was smokey :( And I look like I'm wearing a nightie haha! I only had 20 minutes to get ready! Found out I was going out at half 9 and got picked up before 10! Didn't do too bad really.

Today (Sunday) I have been revising all day and I have another 2 days ahead of me of revision. Boo. My exams on Wednesday morning and it's on 'Postwar to the Present' literature. 

The books i'm mostly focusing on are:

'The Unicorn' by Iris Murdoch 
The Gathering' by Anne Enright

These two are going to be compared so hopefully theres a good question I can apply them to. i.e. gothic lit! Pleaseeee.

Also, I am focusing on,

'The Adoption Papers' by Jackie Kay

This is the book I'm planning on doing the single book question on. Not revising this book till Tuesday though so this may change.

Anyway, thanks for reading this post :) Have any of you got upcoming exams? I hate them! :(


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