The New Year Tag! (A whole year blogging)!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to 2014! I didn't know this tag existed but I really felt like writing one so I had a little YouTube searching session and found a New Year tag!

As always, if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged and feel free to leave me a comment with a link to your answers so I can have a read, enjoy!

1. Favourite memory of 2013?
Definitely going on holiday with my boyfriend, Tom. It was our first holiday together, it was exciting, I got to blog about it and we just had a really nice, relaxing time! We went to Greece, Roda if you're wondering and you can see posts about it HEREHERE and HERE to name but a few. The whole of June was basically holiday posts hahah.

2. Worst memory of 2013?
I don't remember a bad thing in perticular. But the whole of May was pretty grim, I had 4 exams spread across the month and I just remember sitting at my desk for days on end revising. It was a pretty reclusive month. The thought of having a holiday afterwards though pulled me through and I passed all my exams so it payed off. This year I picked 100% coursework units so I don't have to go through another May like that. 

3. What are your New Years resolutions and why?
I'm contradicting a previous post here where I said I don't make resolutions but since then I've told myself I'm going to be organised, blog wise and life wise and I'd like to put more effort and time in to my blog, layout and design wise.

4. Channel goals for 2014?
I'm presuming that means YouTube 'channel' so I'm just going to change it to 'Blog goals'. 
I'd like to publish 300 posts by the end of the year. That's almost twice as much as 2013 (yikes) but I only blogged from Feb onwards last year so that gives me an extra month and in 2013 some months I posted lots and others I posted little so hopefully I can be more consistent this year too. I'd also like to do more 'life' and 'DIY' posts this year. My candle jars post did pretty well so I know there's an audience for it. 

Let's take a look back at some of the Blog Headers of 3013:

... we've come a long way hahaha!

5. Something you are looking forward to in the New Year?
My 21st birthday! (7th Jan) which I'm celebrating in Berlin which I'm looking forward to aswell. I've never been to Germany but I've been wanting to for a good few years now so I'm glad that's happening. I'm looking forward to graduating from university, also nervous about it but, for me, it's getting a little tedious now and I want out! So yeah, Berlin and finising Uni! I'm sure there will be more as the year progresses.

6. What are you doing for New Years?
I think I must be late with this tag! I'm writing this on New Years Day so I can tell you that Tom and I stayed in, we saved our money for our trip and we watched films, TV, ate food and chilled out!

7. Your highest achievement of 2013? 
Tom and I reaching our 1st anniversary together in September was a pretty cool achievement, I was proud of that! Also, I passed my second year of uni which was an epic surprise as I was pretty naughty in my second year and never went to classes... (don't do it kids!)

8. Something from 2013 that you are obsessed with?
I'm obsessed with my new iphone 5c! It arrived on the 18th December and it was for Christmas. I love it! It's such a big difference from my iphone 4! I'm also obsessed with makeup. This has fully developed throughout 2013.

Box upon box of makeup...

That's everything! I really enjoyed writing this tag and looking back over the year! I wish I could've wrote more but I don't want to bore you senseless. I had such a good 2013 with lots of high points and I'm looking forward to seeing what 2014 brings!

Don't forget to link me to your answers in the comments, thanks for reading!
See you next time,
Leanne x
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